Friday, December 31, 2010


Well we have made it another day! We went to the doctor yesterday and found out we have made a little progress! I am now 3 1/2 centimeters and 80% effaced. Its only a matter of time! As much as I want to be done with pregnancy I also want him healthy! I didn't want a Christmas baby so I was thankful we got passed that, so now we are shooting for the New Years baby! :) I love being a mom! It is the best feeling in the world! I can be in the worst mood ever or have the worst day and then I see Hayden smile or feel Brixton kick and nothing else matters! My day turns completely around! Its definitely hard at times but I wouldn't trade it for the world!   
I can't believe my little guy will be 2 in a couple of weeks! Where does the time go?!? He has come so far from when he first started out. He is still very little but that doesn't stop his big personality! He has started this new phase of karate kicking and breaks out his moves for entertainment! It is the funniest thing! He is still totally addicted to the "pappa" aka his pacifier! Its a terrible addiction and hard to get rid of when its moms sanity while being pregnant. He will be off it soon but I think I'm going to wait until Brixton is here so its not so hard for either of us! He also has started telling mom when he goes to the bathroom in his diaper! Potty training already?! I think so! We found a cute little cars potty (since he is obsessed with Cars) that we are going to get for him but I'm not so sure I want to deal with the stress of potty training just yet. Probably another thing that will have to wait until after the baby. I hate to put it off when I know he is ready but they say when a baby is born the older child has a hard time with those kinds of things so its better to wait! He is such a joy! He says the darnest things and is just sooooo full of life! I'm so glad I get to be his momma!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let the blogging begin!!!!

Soooo I have always wanted to start blogging but just never could find the time until a little thing I call bed rest! Who knew these past few weeks would go by so fast! Having to sit at home 24/7  and not being able to do anything but go to the bathroom and shower can get extremely miserable! Especially when I couldn't even do anything for Hayden! Sadly Facebook and blogging have become my sanity! :) On November 27th I started having horrible contractions after a long morning of Black Friday shopping! Being 7 months pregnant would not stop me from getting the good deals! :) Buuuut I do have to say I sat the whole time in a chair from midnight till 5 at Walmart waiting for laptops so I really wasn't up and moving the whole time. So once the pain got completely unbearable we headed for the hospital. When we got there I wasn't dilated at all but the pain was just so intense. They gave me medication to stop the contractions and when it didn't work they tried option #2, Magnesium and ran a few tests including a fetal fibro test which determines if you are at risk for pre term labor. When the results to that came back positive they decided to admit me for the night. Within seconds of moving me into a room contractions got worse and I was already dilated to a 3 and 70% effaced! They upped my magnesium to the highest level they could and had to put me on oxygen. With things moving so quickly Banner Gateway would be unequipped to handle a 30 week baby if they were unable to stop the contractions. So I had to be transported to Banner Desert, a level 3 hospital with the best neonatal care! Once at Desert the Magnesium was able to stop the contractions and stabilize everything. I had to stay in the hospital for 3 days for monitoring and boy was that miserable! Once they took me completely off the medication and monitored me for 24 hours I was able to go home but on strict bed rest! Now we have made it almost 5 weeks from where we were at and are so so blessed. Many prayers were said and lots of support! I can definitely say it was a test of faith and made us all so much stronger and a revelation of just how powerful prayer is. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and he was definitely there with us in this scary time and weeks to follow. I am so thankful to have the gospel in my life and the knowledge of Gods plan for us! I am also thankful for the love and support of family and for all that they did and are doing in this trying time! :)