Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My New Life :)

Well we have officially made it through the first week of Brixton's life! Everything is going great!! Ive almost got the hang of breastfeeding, and he now weighs 7lbs 1oz! He is such a good baby and I'm so grateful because having two is hard enough! He does great at night too! He has been on a great schedule only waking up at 1 and 5! I am so blessed! Hayden absolutely adores him! He is always wanting to help and hold brother! He has definitely become mommy's little helper! I have been so busy this past week trying to get his birthday party put together! We decided to do a Disney Cars theme since he is obsessed with Lightning McQueen! I am going to attempt to make my own cake of the actual car itself so I will let you know how well that turns out! ha ha I can't believe my little guy is already turning 2! Time sure flies and having a newborn and a 2 yr old definitely makes you realize how fast they really do grow up! I love being a stay at home mommy with my two little guys and I wouldn't trade it for the world!! :)


  1. So sweet! I'm glad to hear things are going well. :) I know the adjustment from 1-2 can be rough!

  2. Brittany you have such an adorable little family! I'm so happy for you! Not gonna lie we might have sons with the same name. Brixton was going to be my next name if we had another boy. I Like your style!!

  3. Thank you!! haha how funny! well its a great name! :)
